Sage & Needle

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Neurotoxins (Botox) for Men. What is there to know?

What the hell is “Bro-tox”?

“Bro-tox” is the playful term that was coined to tell men that Botox is not just for women anymore; and it seems to be working. Botox use among men has seen a 400% increase in treatments since 20001. These stats are only rising since the pandemic as both male and female working professionals have spent hours on Zoom calls staring at their imperfections.

Why are more men getting Botox?

We can look at aging men like John Stamos, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, Steve Carrell, or even Simon Cowell and admire how they have stood the test of time; but there is still a stigma around guys that take care of the way they look. It’s socially acceptable for a guy to work out and buy nice cloths, but when you start getting into their skin care routine – that manly bravado starts to rear its ugly head. Luckily, times are-a-changing! As we are exposed to more and more men that appear to be flipping Father Time the bird, men are asking, “how do I look that good when I’m 40 or 50 years old?”.

(Paul Rudd at 53 years old. You don’t look this good at the age of 53 without a little help.)

I’m convinced – Now, what’s the difference between Botox for men vs women?

In short – not much. The same medication is used for both men and women with the only difference being dosing. Neurotoxin dosing is dependent on the size of the muscle that is being treated. While not dramatic, men tend to have larger facial muscles than women and because of this, your provider may require a slightly higher dose to get the same results.

How do neurotoxins (Botox) work?

Botox works by halting muscle contractions in the area it is injected. Dynamic wrinkles, or wrinkles that form when you smile, frown, or make other types of faces, turn into static (permanent) wrinkles over time. Botox helps eliminate wrinkles by reducing these types of muscle contractions in specific areas. The results are not immediate and take full effect about 7-14 days after the treatment. Botox lasts about 3-4 months before it gradually wears off.

What if I don’t like it?

This is a completely TEMPORARY treatment that wears off after about 3-4 months. If you got a Botox treatment and never wanted to get it again, there would be no indication that you ever got a treatment after 4-5 months.

Learn more about Neurotoxins here.


1.  American Society of Plastic Surgeons. (n.d.). Retrieved November 1, 2022, from